Developer console

To consult the Logs, go to App > Webhooks > Log



An operation refers to an action attempted on the API, such as “create asset” or “create a collection”.

The webhook will log out all:

  • attempts (before the operation)
  • successes (after the operation)
  • failures (after the operation)

You can filter out the Logs in different ways directly from the dashboard UI.

  • By Providers
  • By Log levels



  • The webhook will not send the event if an error occurs, so you should check the log if you do not receive any events that you are expecting.
  • The webhook will log out all the event details along with the error, for example:
  "data": {
    "app": {
      "uid": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "name": "AppName",
      "region": "EU",
      "environment": "Development"
    "collection": {
      "uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "name": "CollectionName",
      "type": "ERC721",
      "symbol": "",
      "website": null,
      "image_url": null,
      "description": "",
      "contract_address": "0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    "transaction_log": {
      "type": "deploy_collection",
      "chain_id": 80001,
      "transaction_hash": "0xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
  "error": "404 Client Error: Not Found for url:",
  "event": "collection.deployed",
  "event_time": "2023-08-01T11:24:36.531141+00:00",
  "sent_at": "2023-07-31T17:27:01.764524+00:00",
  "x-app-uid": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
  "x-webhook-attempt": "1",
  "x-webhook-correlation-id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"