Get asset details by uid



Request headers are required. See Auth - introduction for more information.

Get asset details by uid


GET /asset/{uid}

Returns the asset details for a given uid associated with the given App (set by the X-API-KEY).


Path parameters

Path parameterDescription
uidThe unique identifier of the asset for this app (ex. 715430031284).


You will receive the asset details including the following fields:

Response fieldsTypeDescriptionCondition
uidStringThe UID for the asset.Mandatory
nameStringThe name of the asset.Mandatory
asset_external_idStringThe unique ID by which you identify this asset in your system.Optional
client_idStringThis field has been deprecated. You should now use asset_external_idDeprecated
collection_uidStringThe UID identifying the collection to which the asset belongs.Mandatory
collection_nameStringThe name identifying the collection to which the asset belongs.Mandatory
token_idIntegerThe token ID assigned to this asset upon minting.Mandatory
The timestamp at which the asset as been created.Mandatory
is_mintedBooleanIndicates wether the asset has been minted on the blockchain already or not.Mandatory
is_burnedBooleanIndicates wether the asset has been burned (removed from the circulation) or not.Mandatory
is_transferringBooleanIndicates wether the asset has been requested to be transferred or not (this status is temporary).Mandatory
is_transferableBooleanIndicates wether the asset can be transferred or not. i.e: an asset is_minted is false can't be transferred.Mandatory
is_editingBooleanIndicates wether the asset has been requested to be edited or not (this status is temporary).Mandatory
mint_for_user_uidStringThe user's UID the asset has been minted for.Mandatory
owner_user_uidStringThe user's UID the asset currently belongs to. Can be null if does not belong to a user of the App.Mandatory
owner_addressStringThe user's address the asset belongs to.Mandatory
metadataObjectThe metadata of the asset. See table below for fields list.Mandatory
explorer_urlString (URL)The explorer URL (PolygonScan) of the asset. It can be used to see all blockchain related informations.Mandatory
token_uriStringThe Asset's (token) uri containing the Metadata stored on IPFS. It is based on the metadata_cid.Mandatory
Response metadata fieldsTypeDescriptionCondition
nameStringThe name of the asset.Mandatory
image_urlString (URL)The image url of the asset.Mandatory
attributesObjectAdditional attributes describing the asset. See below table for the fields list.Optional
descriptionStringThe description of the asset.Optional
original_idStringThe UID for the asset.Mandatory
external_urlString (URL)An external URL for additional information.Optional
org_image_urlString (URL)The image_url provided when Asset was created. (Different if image is stored on IPFS).Mandatory
Response Metadata Attributes fieldsTypeDescriptionCondition
trait_typeStringThe type of trait or attribute.Mandatory
valueStringThe value of the trait or attribute.Mandatory
display_typeStringThe display type for the attribute value.Optional

Response example

    "success": true,
    "data": {
        "uid": "715430031284",
        "name": "asset_example",
        "asset_external_id": "asset_external_id_example",
        "client_id": "asset_external_id_example", // Deprecated
        "collection_uid": "121439158772",
        "collection_name": "example_collection",
        "token_id": 4,
        "created_at": "2023-09-11T09:42:18.526793Z",
        "is_minted": true,
        "is_burned": false,
        "is_transferring": false,
        "is_transferable": true,
        "mint_for_user_uid": "771826859405",
        "owner_user_uid": "177836859604",
        "owner_address": "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045",
        "metadata": {
            "name": "asset_example",
            "image_url": "ipfs://QmaJbYbdH8bbPXVAsehbHy8qyrGSvxDiJ11RrE6WK4VAmd",
            "attributes": [
                    "value": "Starfish",
                    "trait_type": "Base"
            "description": "description",
            "original_id": "715430031284",
            "external_url": "",
            "org_image_url": ""
        "explorer_url": "",
        "token_uri": "ipfs://QmbMzYnigdxkfG8PpnqpAt5YQGYA8Y2GGw2hSaKr46XKr6"



Considering that the request for creating an asset is partly asynchronous - the response for retrieving an asset's details will immediately return the asset uid and will mint the asset on the blockchain to the user's wallet asynchronously.

This means that:

  • If you perform a 'create asset' directly followed by a 'get asset details', is_minted can be false in the response.
  • If you perform a 'create user' followed by a 'create asset' for this user and a 'get asset details', the owner_address can be empty in the response.


The following example gets the asset details for asset 123123123123.

# API_KEY is your api key
# TOKEN is the access token generated with your api key secret

curl -i \
  -X GET \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-Api-Key: API_KEY" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer TOKEN" \