Developer console

Webhooks introduction

Your user just bought an asset that has been tokenized through the Original API. Nice! Now, you may want to:

  • Store a receipt of it in your database.
  • Associate a user wallet account with their account in your system.
  • Pop the cork to celebrate in your UI .

There are a number of asynchronous events that occur throughout the Original API. To find out when these events have been completed successfully, you can subscribe to Webhook events easily.

  • The webhook is configured per App.
    The same URL can be used for multiple apps
  • The webhook URL to consume the events must allow the relevant permissions to receive events.
  • A webhook event will be sent on successful completion.
  • The webhook may retry to send an event if an error occurs or there is bad configuration.
    The event will contain the number of attempts and a correlation ID that can be used to prevent repeated events.

Each event will contain the following in the

  • headers for HTTPS events
  • message attributes for AWS SQS events
 "x-app-uid": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
 "x-webhook-correlation-id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
 "x-webhook-attempt": "1",

Use x-app-uid to correlate with your app.

Use x-webhook-correlation-id to guard against repeated events.

Use x-webhook-attempt to get the attempt number for that provider.

These are also available in the body of the event, however these can be parsed at the headers/message attributes level before inspecting the body of the message.